The humble Petition of Anthony Armbruster Humbly Sheweth; That he humbly Prays and intreats your Honour for a little Assistance, and in hopes that your Excellency will have pitty and Compassion on me; That I am all most incapable of working in the Printing-Office, on Account being Burstened on both Sides: and as I am at present out of work; ./. It is known to most Part of People that I worked very hard in my Time since in America and my most years in State of Pennsylvania. which is now almost 40 years and alling and old, and my old woman not able to maintain me at Present; my Children are Poor and no Assistance from them I can expect. Therefore I humbly obediently intreat your Excellencys kind and generous Heart, which was allways generously inclined towards the poor I hope it will be twowards me in my old Age and if it even is a Brief from your Excellency to go to others and good genereous People, for a little Assistance and Alms; And with the greatest Meekness and Humbliness will pray that God will grand beware, and keep your Excellencys Health and Life unto an other Age.
And your Poor Humble and Obedient Petitioner Will ever Pray