Abraham Widdow, a soldier in my Company, which was killed last July in the river Wabash by the Kikabus Indians, left in my Possession his Patent of 200 acres in Westmoreland County, Granted him by this state, for his Passed Services rendered last war, made no Will, has also no relation in the Country to my knowledge, with respect of the Pay and Arrears is, when no will or relation are to be found, all those are gains to the United Sates According to the rules of the Articals of last war.
When I marched last from the City, Col. Harmar directed me to furnish my men with a Smal Jacket: (called fatigue Coats) to preserve the New Cloathing. I did so and purchased the Cloathing and trimings at a great price at Pittsburgh, and as Casualities will happen in a Company, meet with a considerable los, and although my fond is of a Little Weight, mus for the Ambition Sex have some again made, if only your honorable Body grant me the Allowance the Hon’ble the House of Assembly voted to the recruiting Officers, (which was One Dollar per men) and some Expences rendering that service to enable me to outshin every one on the Vestern station.
I have received thirty Dollars in gold from Mr. Nicholson the Controller, and twice I have Borowed Money of the same kind for to go on with the Bussiness, untill his return
Suffer me to say that I am as Dutyfull as Obedient Sir Your most humble and most Obedient Servant