I received your Favour of the 14th of March past, and if you should continue in your Resolution of returning to America thro’ France, I shall certainly render you any of the little Services in my Power: but there are so many Difficulties at present in getting Passages from hence, particularly Safe ones for Women, that methinks I should advise your Stay till more settled Times, & till a more frequent Intercourse is established.—
As to the Exercise of your Art here, I am in doubt whether it would answer your Expectations. Here are two or three who profess it, and make a Show of their Works on the Boulevards; but it is not the Taste for Persons of Fashion to sit to these Artists for their Portraits. And both House-Rent & Living at Paris is very expensive.
I thought that Friendship required I should acquaint you with these Circumstances. After which you will use your Discretion.— I am, Dear Madam, Your most obedient and most humble Servant