The first wish I formed upon my arrival at paris was to See a man who may very justly be considered as the first character of the present age, when once I became acquainted with him, I endeavour’d to see him frequently even at the risk of becoming troublesome my desire has been accomplished, but still there remains an unsatisfied wish, and at the very moment, I am about to quit the city he inhabits, and am perhaps upon the point of abandoning the hopes of ever seeing him again, I would most willingly carry away with me a part of himself, and join the reading of his works, to the grateful remembrance, I shall ever retain of his obliging Behavior to me, he will therefore greatly add to the obligations I already owe him; if he will be so good as to let me know where I can get them, and if they are not to be had at paris I flatter myself he will furnish me with them, this is a favour he cannot refuse me in consideration of the high idea I entertain of him and of the very respectful sentiments wherewith I have the honor to be his most obedient and most humble Servant