From [La Rochefoucauld]
Saturday morning [December 20?, 1777]

Yesterday, Sir, as I was about to send the Extract I had made of your news, I received No. xxxiii of des Affaires d'Angleterre et d'Amérique which contains the same information. Consequently, I have sent only Mr. Washington's letter; enclosed you will find your two letters in English, one of which is missing a page that you failed to send back the second time, and your French translations which are now unnecessary, unless you wish to have published the correspondence of Generals Gates and Burgoyne. In that case, if you will bring them back to me Monday, I will send them on to the journalist.

I was pleased to read yesterday in the Gazette Extraordinaire that the Red Bank fort was not taken and that General Howe abandoned Germantown. Farewell, Sir, we hope to see you Monday and to be able to thank you again in person.