Account of the Contents of the 34 Boxes of Printing Letters, &c Cast at Passy
ad: American Philosophical Society
Passy, Jan. 27, 1781[-June 21, 1785]

Account of the Printing Letters cast at Passy and contain'd in the 34 Boxes, which are marked in small Figures with a Pen on the Side of each Cover or Lid. viz

No 1.Pica, old Fashion'd Italic, & some Roman
2.Pica Roman
3.Pica Roman
4.Quadrats & Spaces of Pica, and of Great Primer
5.Italic of common Great Primer
6.Common Great Primer
7.Common Great Primer, 1 page Italic, Flowers to make a
square, two line Letters, and a small Parcel of deep-bodied
8.The Italic of deep-bodied Pica, & some Roman

9.Pica Roman, deep-bodied, & 5 Pages of small Pica roman.
10.Quadrats and Spaces of Great Primer; also Quadrats &
Spaces of deep-bodied Pica, with Quadts & Spaces of
Small Pica.
11.Small Pica Italic & Roman:
12.Small Pica Roman, two-line Letters, and 4 Pages of Great
Primer Roman, large-fac'd.
13.Large-fac'd Great Primer, Roman and Italic.
14.Large-fac'd Great Primer Roman, & 4 Pages of Italic, and
three Pages of small Pica Quadrats.
15.Common-fac'd English, with 4 Pages of Spaces & Quadrats
of large-fac'd Great Primer.
16.Common-fac'd English, Roman & Italic, 2 line Letters, &
Capitals of Pica, Roman & Italic for my new Alphabet.
17.Large-fac'd English Roman, with 4 Pages of Quadrats
and Spaces of common-fac'd English.
18.Large-fac'd English, Roman & Italic, with Quads. &
19. Bourgeois Roman, with Quads. & Spaces.
20.Bourgeois Roman & Italic, Quads. & Spaces, with 4 Pages
of Nonpareil.
21.Nonpareil Roman.
22.Nonpareil Roman and Italic, 2 Line Letters, a Parcel of
Bourgeois Quadrats, and some Fancy Capitals for the
large fac'd Long-Primer Italic.
23.Brevier Roman.
24.Brevier Roman & Italic, with 2 line Letters, Quadrats,
Spaces, and Flowers of different Bodies, & nonpareil
25.Large-fac'd Longprimer Roman.
26.Large-fac'd Long-primer Roman.
27.Large-fac'd Long-primer Roman, & 2 pages of Italic.
28.One page of Italic of Long primer, & a piece of Roman,
with 2 line Letters, Quadrats & Spaces.
29.Oblique-bodied Longprimer, & 7 pages of oblique-fac'd
30.Oblique-fac'd Pica, X.T. Capitals of large-fac'd long
primer, and 4 Pages of fancy-Italic Pica.
31.The Rest of the fancy Italic Pica, the Double Canon Roman
& Italic, Quadrats & Spaces, & 2 Pages of Quo-tations.
32.Great Paragon Roman & Italic, Quadrats, Spaces, 2 line
Letters, & some Double Pica, with Common Great Canon.
33.Trismegists or double Great Primer, Small Canon, Quds.,
Flowers, & several Sorts of Quadrats. 2 Line Letters
34.Quadrats of large-fac'd English with m & n quadts. In-terlines
and Rules both Cast & of Brass.
Also some Pieces of English Words, as ing, ation, &c.
35.Script or Writing Character cast since the above
36.The same
37. Du petit romain romain à vec litalique et des laittre de
deux point &c. petit romain romain.
38.Le petit parangon romain et italique et des Laitre de deux
poin de petit parangon à vec Les laitre de deux point de
gros romain romain et ditalique.
39.Des laitre de deux poin de petit romain et ditalique, Les
laitre de deux point de Cicero romaine et ditalique.
Capitalle de fantaisi de Cicero et des cadras de Gros
parangon. 1 page de Gros parangon italique, des cadras
de Cicero et des Espasse, et La Laitre dinvitation.
Frontispice du petit Cotte et des Cadras de petit romain,
Les laitre englaise de Cicero, W de Cicero italique.
40.Laitre de deux poin de Cicero, une laitre de change de Ci-cero
couché, des Laitre de gros romain de lautre fonte.
Un passepor de gros romain, et un paquet de gros romain,
des cadras de gros parangon le petit romain
aublique 1 vignaite de bois de laitre pour les Clouest sur
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