Herewith you have a Copy of a Letter from London to the Person in whose Favour I drew a Bill for £59 Sterling, which was not punctually paid, tho’ accepted by you; owing I suppose to some Neglect of your Clerks in not sending Advice of your Acceptance to Mr. Tessier I make no doubt but it has been since paid, but having since drawn for more considerable Sums, and as the Possessors of the Bills in case of such Delay, may send them back protested, which would subject me to the Payment of 20 Per Ct. Damages, I thought it right to acquaint you with the Circumstance, and am persuaded such Hazard will be avoided for the future.
On the 20th of November past, I drew upon you three Sets of Bills for £75 Sterling each, in favour of Adam Zantzinger I did not advert till after they were sent away, that the several Setts being of the Same Tenor and Date, might occasion some Confusion in the Acceptance and Payment. To prevent this I now acquaint you, that Mr. Zantzinger endors’d one Sett to Messrs Russels and Smith of Birmingham, another to Messrs. Warder, D & Co. of London, and the third to Mr. Thomas Clifford of Bristol. I hope this Information may enable you to distinguish the different Setts. My best Wishes attend you and yours, in which my Grandsons join with Your affectionate Friend and humble Servant