It is true as you have heard that I am afflicted with the Stone, which being rough is apt to lacerate the Neck of the Bladder when I move too much or too suddenly. In that Case the Sharpness of the Urine gives me great Pain when I make Water, which I have frequent Urgencies to do, and with little Effect. The Blackberry Jelly taken at Night about the Bigness of a Pigeon’s Egg, which I sometimes eat with a Bit of Bread, and sometimes dissolve in a Tumbler of Water and drink it, mixing sometimes two or three Tea Spoonfuls of Brandy, has constantly given me Ease and Freedom by the Morning, with long Intervals between the Calls during the following Day. I am not however sure that the Blackberries are concern’d in producing this Effect, and I have experienc’d the same from other Jellies of Fruit, made by boiling in Sugar, and I suspect it may be only the Candied Sugar that softens the Acrimony of the Urine. As to this Jelly’s having any Power of dissolving the Stone, I have not since I began the Use of it, now more than a Year, observ’d the least Sign of such Solution. I sympathise sincerely with Mrs. Dulany, having myself suffered severely while the Stone remained in the Kidney or Passage, and till it descended into the Bladder, and I heartily wish it were in my power to communicate any Information that might afford her Relief. I am, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servant,