From Isaac Hunt
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Philadelphia November 12th: 1771
Honored Sir,

As the Letter I wrote to you by the Packet might not get safe to Hand, I take the Liberty, by this opportunity, to acquaint you, that the Attorney General of Bermudas is dead; and to sollicit your good offices to procure me, if possible, that Law-Department.

The great Number of our Profession at present in Philadelphia, and the Scarcity of Business, arising from the Non-Importation Agreement, make my Application for an Appointment to that Station absolutely necessary at this Time; and as I am sensible you delight in Acts of Beneficence, I entertain the pleasing Hopes of being favored in this Business with your Interest and Patronage. Mrs. Hunt joins me in Respects to you, and I am, as I have ever been, since I had the Honor of knowing you, With Esteem Your real and obliged Friend

Isaac Hunt.

Addressed: To / Benja. Franklin Esqr. LLD. FRS / London / per favor of / Capt. Falconer
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