About 3 weeks ago I had the honour to address a few lines to you by Mr. Annisson, and on Friday last I, by accident, met with Dr. Bancroft who told me that he was setting off for Paris early the next morning, and very obligingly offered his service if I had any commands. I asked him if he would be so good to convey to you a quarto Volume and a Roll of prints and he readily consented, but in the Evening, I found that I could not procure them for the Secretary was gone out, and would not return home till late. This is the 7th: Voll and 4 prints just upon the delivery, so that I was dissapointed of so good a Conveyance. Since which I have learnt from, Mr. Adams that you, Sir, intended embarking in the July Pacquet from Havre to Philadelphia.
Now my worthy, and respected Friend, If you will permit it, and acquaint me of the time you propose being at Havre, I will do myself the honour to pay my last respects to a Gentlemen I so much esteem, and revere, and that without much trouble, or expence; for there is a pacquet established between So. Hampton and that City which sails every Saturday and therefore I can with ease, and convenience make myself happy by an interview, and be the bearer of the Book and prints. I shall then also have an Opportunity of Seeing a Ward of Mine the eldest son of my worthy Friend Wm: Drayton Esquire of So: Carolina, who is at present at Caen Acquiring the French language and some other Accomplishments.
A favourable answer will make very happy My Dear Sir Your most faithful, Affectionate and obedient Servant