I Take this Opertunetey to Let you know of My unhapey State At Present Sir I Belong to Capt Jones. I Was taken in one of his Small Boats of Ireland I Was Sent in persute after his Boat that they Run Away With & when We Landed they Made prisners [torn:of] Us And Sent us to this Prison. [I … h] I Am in Grate Nead of Some Money Sir I Was in Plymouth Prison from the yeare 1776 and then exchange & I Whent Un Board of Capt Jones in the yeare 1779 Sir if your honer please to Let Me have Some Releaf Derect it to the Revent Mr thos Wren of Porthmouth or Let him Supply Me With Clothes and a Small trifel of Money it twill Be the Means of Geting of My Librtey