By Capt. Hyde I sent you the fount of St. Augustine, contained in two Boxes. I had not, nor have I since had time to pack up the Gros Romain. I hope you will not blame me for neglecting this part of my duty, as we have a busy time now, owing to the many arrivals.
I design Printing a Pocket and a family Almanack for the next year—to do this I must be supplied with Signs—there is some with the Petite Text, but not enough. The Petite Romain has none at all. Permit me to request the favor of your attention in this respect, and if it will be no intrusion, your advice with respect to the plan of executing them—I wish to give the world something new and on this account shall esteem your advice particularly valuable.
The latter end of this month, or beginning of next—I shall have leisure to obey your Commands, in rendering a minute and just Account of the office. With the greatest respect I am Dear sir Your obliged and obedient Servant