From Jonathan Nesbitt (unpublished)
L’Orient Octor: 7th: 1782

I receiv’d in course the honor of your Excellencys Letter of the 30th Ulto: inclosing one for the Captains Cain Josiah and Deale, which I have deliver’d them. They are extremely sensible of your Excellencys attention to their request, and beg that you will accept of their most sincere thanks. Inclosed, I have the honor to transmit you a Letter from them. I likewise take the Liberty to trouble you with Seven pices relative to the Prize Ship the Lion which I request you will examine, and order every thing necessary to be done, to accelerate her apeedy Condemnation.

There are now three American Ships of Force in this road, that will Sail for Philadelphia between the 15th. and 20th Instant. Any Dispatches that your Excellency may have to send shall be taken the utmost care of. I have the honor to remain with the utmost respect. Sir! Your most humble and Obedient Servant

Jonath: Nesbitt

His Excellency Benja: Franklin Esqr.
Endorsed: J. Nesbit 7. Oct. 1782.
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