I just hear from Amsterdam that Bills accepted by Mr. J.
Jay at Madrid are come back unpaid & protested to the
Amount of 20000 Ducats. If you are desirous they should
be paid you will be so Kind as to send me your Orders for
that purpose & I shall pursuant thereto write by
tomorrow’s Mail to the above friends to give notice to
the holders of the Bills that they may send them back
again to Madrid & that they will be surely paid.
I am most respectfully sir Your most ob hbl se
[Postscript in Ferdinand Grand’s hand:] Jay fait
prevenir messr Pache d’envoyer recevoir chez moy les
acceptations de Mr Jay, dont ils Sont porteurs, Suivant
vos ordres. 20/mls Ducats font environ deux Cent mille
Livres de france
Passy April 8. 1782
I approve of your Writing as you propose to Holland, that
the Bills being sent back to Madrid will be paid; or if
the Holders chuse to take the Money here you will pay
them at Paris, or in Amsterdam. I am with great Esteem,
Sir, Your humble Servant