I received your Favour of the 28th past, respecting the Imperfections, &c.
When by a thorough Examination you have ascertained what Sorts you want, you have only to send me a List of them, specifying the Fount and the weight you desire of each sort, when we will begin immediately to cast them for you.
But I still think you may be mistaken in some of the Sorts you suppose missing, the Founts having all except the Gros Romaine, been cast by the English Bill of Sorts, and with great Care. The Nicks being on the opposite Side to that you have been accustomed to, may have occasioned you to mistake italic c’s for O’s, y’s for h’s, u’s for r’s, &c.
As to some of the Sorts being too numerous, you will remember, that different Stiles and Subjects of different Authors use Sorts in different Proportions, and what you don’t want in one Work may be wanted in another.
I will to accommodate you except your Proposal of exchanging the Augustine for the Philosophie, Value for Value; that is to say, on your sending me back the Augustine, I will sendyou the Philosophie, the difference of Value to be allow’d where it may be due.
I depended on your weighing the Letter, and am sorry it was not done, as I apprehend we reckon’d 12 lb in the hundred less than the rest Quantity.
I suppose Mr. Bache has wrote to you concerning the Paper which he sends you. You should have mention’d the Price. They demanded 3 Dollars a Ream, but he gets it for 20s. It is the same on which Mr. Dunlap’s Paper is printed. You will make the Payment here. I am, Sir, Your very humble Servant