To Rodolphe-Ferdinand Grand (unpublished)
Philada. March 20, 1786
Dear Friend,

I wrote to you on the 5th Instant, and the Vessel not being yet gone, I add a few Lines to give you a little Trouble in requesting you to receive and divide among some of my Friends a few Hams (Jambon) and some Cakes of our Soap, The Hams are in a Cask, and have Labels to denote who are they are for. I send them, because Strangers here admire them for their good Taste and the Sweetness of their Fat, which is all made by their Feeding on Maize, and I hope they will come good to hand. The Soap is thought to be the best in the World, for Shaving, and for washing Chinses, and other things of delicate Colours. Please to divide them as follows.

For Made Grand2M. Cabbanis 1
Sir Geo. Grand2M. Le Roy 1
Yourself3M. Roger at Me Sevin’s. 1
M. Le Veillard2M. Dailly 1
M. Brillon2M. Bougon 1
M. de Chaumont2Abbé Chalut 1
Made Helvetius2M. Chalut 1
Abbé de la Roche1Abbé Arnaud 1
Abbé Morellet1Mon Epouse 1
17 9

This kind of Soap is not made for Sale in this Country at present, and perhaps I may not be able to procure any more of it.

I must also request you to purchase and send me M. de la Lande’s History of all the navigable Canals in the World. It is said to be in Folio, with Plates. I wish to you and yours all sorts of Felicity, being ever, my dear Friend, Yours most affectionately

B Franklin

Don’t forget to charge me with the Expences I put you to for Carriage Postage, &c.
Mr. Grand
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