From David Barclay (unpublished)
Youngsbury Herts: 31st: of 7th: mo 1786.
Dear Friend

I was unwilling to let my valuable Friend Richard Penn leave this Country without a line expressive of my Regard, and best Wishes for thy Welfare, and to say, that, it always affords me pleasure to hear of thy Health and Happyness.

My Friend crosses the Atlantic on his private Affairs, and I doubt not, will be received adequate to the merit of a most worthy honest Man; and I hope may be instrumental, by his presence, in obtaining for his family, what Justice seems to demand. I trust, it is unnecessary for me to add any thing in favour of one, who, I believe thou esteemest.

And now I have the Pen in hand, I cannot refrain observing, that, the Non payment of British Debts has brought a Stain on the new States, which, many wish to see done away, as well on their own Accounts, as that of other more deeply interested. I am Thy respectful Friend

David Barclay.

Endorsed: D Barclay 86
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