To Genet
ALS: Library of Congress
Passy, June 29 1778

I receiv’d safely the Letters you return’d to me, and am much pleas’d with the Use which I see you have made of them.

I wish to receive from London regularly the London Evening Post, and the London Chronicle. If this can be done by your means, without giving you too much Trouble, I shall be much oblig’d to you, and will thankfully repay the Expence.

By the Desire of Mr. Bridgen I take the Liberty of inclosing to your Care a Letter to him. I have the honour to be, with much Esteem, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

M. Genet
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Genet / Chef au Bureau des Interprétes / des Affaires Etrangeres / à Versailles
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