To Francis Childs (unpublished)
Philada. Oct. 1. 1785.

I thank you for your kind Congratulations on my Return. My Printing Materials, consisting of a great Variety of Founts, were sent down the Seine some Weeks before I left Passy, but were so long in their Passage, that when I came to Havre they were not arriv’d, and I was oblig’d to come away without them. It was expected that the next Pacquet would be ordered to Sail from Havre; in which Case I left Directions that my Packages should all be sent by her to New York. When I hear of their Arrival, I may possibly come to New York; and then we may treat on the Subject you mention. I have now only time to add, that I shall be glad of being serviceable to you on reasonable Terms, and am, Your humble Servant

B Franklin

Mr Child.
Addressed: To / Mr Francis Child / Printer / N. York
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