From Anthony Armbruster: Chattel Mortgage and Inventory
DS: American Philosophical Society
[October 29, 1765]

Know all Men by these Present Whereas I Anthony Armbruster of the City of Philadelphia Printer by a certain Obligation bearing Date the thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and sixty four became bound to Benjamin Franklin of the same City Esquire in the Sum of One hundred and seventy six pounds and Ten Shillings Conditioned for the Payment of Eighty Eight pounds and five Shillings like money with lawful Interest for the same on the thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty five Now Know Ye that I the said Anthony Armbruster in consideration of the Premisses and the better to secure the Payment of the said Debt or Sum of Eighty Eight pounds and five Shillings with the Interest thereof to the said Benjamin Franklin his Executors Administrators and Assigns according to the Condition of the said Obligation and also for and in consideration of the further Sum of Five Shillings like Money to me in hand paid by the said Benjamin Franklin the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge Have granted bargained sold and delivered and by these Presents in fair and open Market in the presence of sundry of my Neighbours Do grant bargain sell and deliver to the said Benjamin Franklin his Executors Administrators and Assigns the Goods and Chattels mentioned in a Schedule and Inventory thereof to which I have subscribed my Name and annexed to these presents at the Prices in the same Schedule ascertained To Have and to Hold the said Goods and Chattels to the said Benjamin Franklin his Executors Administrators and Assigns To his and their Use for ever Provided always nevertheless that if I the said Anthony Armbruster my Executors and Administrators shall well and truly pay the said Debt of Eighty Eight pounds and five Shillings with the Interest thereof according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Condition on or before the thirty first Day of October one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six that this Grant and Sale shall be void and of none Effect In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand Seal this twenty ninth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty five.

Anthony Armbruster

Sealed and Delivered in presence of

  Edward Evans

  J. F. Davenport

nb: the interlination done before Signing.

Philadelphia County to wit

Be it remembered that on the thirtieth day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty five Before Me Saml Shoemaker Esquire one of the Justices of our Lord the King who now is to keep the Peace in Philadelphia County aforesaid Assigned came the within named Anthony Armbruster and acknowledged the within Bill of Sale to be his Act and Deed In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal at Philadelphia the same day and year.

Sl Shoemaker

A Schedule and Inventory of the Goods and Chattels referred to in and granted by the annexed Bill of Sale, as follows to wit,

A List of Types in Cases and Boxes together with the Press Vizt.

Dutch Long Priemer 350 lb
Double Pica 80 or thereabouts
Double English 80 or ditto
Pica 350 or ditto
English 80
Great and small Cannon 80
1020 lb
Pica 400 lb
Double Pica 160 or thereabouts
Long Priemer 300
Great Priemer, Roman and
  Italick 150
  English 200
1210 lb

To[ge]ther with four Chases the Frames, Galleys and Composing Sticks

Antho. Armbruster

Witness present

  Edward Evans

  J. F. Davenport

Endorsed: Bill of Sale and Mortgage—Anthony Armbruster to Benjamin Franklin
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