Mr. Digges will have the honour of presenting you these few lines. His business calls him to Philadelphia and he is desirous of paying his respects, where they are so justly due from every friend of his country, and indeed of human-kind. He is my relation and has often heared me speak of you in such terms, as have added to his veneration for your character. For I do with truth assure you that I esteem it as one of the most fortunate and honourable events of my life, that I had an opportunity of forming an acquaintance with you and I flatter myself with having inspired you with some sentiments of regard, and more than general benevolence towards me.
That you may long continue to be the blessing of your country, is the wish of all its friends: and that you may not only live to enlighten and better mankind, but continue to do so, with freedom from sickness and pain, is the earnestprayer of, Honoured and Dear Sir Your most devoted and obliged servant