From Joshua Barney (unpublished)
Havre de Grace Decr 19, 1783

I have the honor to Acknowledge the Receipt of your letter of 16th. The three Barrell and Box seeds I have this day shipp’d onto a Vessell for Rouen. I hope they will arrive in Good order. The Nuts your Excelly. Speaks of I have None, but will If you think proper bring on my next Voyage a Quantity. I return you my Sincere thanks for your kind offer, but the time of my Stay is so very short I cannot embrace it, my Ship requiring my Attendance. I beg your Excellency to believe that I am with the Greatest respect Your Obedient and Humble Servant


Excell: B Franklin
Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsieur B. Franklin / Ministre Plenipotentiaire Des Etats unis / de l Amérique pres la Cour de france / a / Passy
Endorsed: Barney Dec. 19. 1783
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