From Charles-François Le Brun
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Paris rüe pierre sarrazin La 1ere. porte cochère a droite en entrant par La rüe haute feuille Sept. 18 77

A friend of mine, an eminent marchant at Coruña in Spain and wellwisher to the cause of american Liberty has transmitted to me the Letter herein inclosed with prayer to have it delivered immediately in to the hands of Mr. Dean. But as I am totally unacquainted with the place where that gentleman is to be met with and afraid to have it trusted to any body else, I take the Liberty of transmitting it to you, Sir, who as I understand act here in the same capacity and must be of course connected with him. If that Letter should need an answer you may depend on my zeal and exactness in forwarding it to my friend. I should have been very proud If that occasion had favoured me with an opportunity of paying a visit to a philosopher, to a friend of mankind, to a man who in this degenerate age has proved that Learning is consistent with political abilities and Science of nature, with the genius of a legislator. I am with all due respect, Sir, your most humble obedient Servant

Le Brun

p.s. That Leter as I understand from my friend relates to Mr. cunningham capt. of the revenge who after taking six english vessels is now at ferrol in Spain where he has applyed to my friend to get a sum he is in need of to repair his ship. I beg you’ll be so Kind as not to mention having received any Letter from me. My name is here in a sort of unhappy celebrity which I endeavour as much as I can to have buryed in deep solitude and oblivion. Do but Let me know by a word to my Laquais that the Letter is Safe in your hands.
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