Respectfully sheweth
That Your Petitioner, together with Peter Henry Striepers came to America in the Year 1764 as Agents for the Heirs and Representatives of the said John Striepers deceased to Recover and take possession of sundry Lands within the Province of Pennsylvania and Lots within the City of Philadelphia to which they were entitled in Right of the said John Strieperss’ Purchase of 5000 Acres made in the Year 1682, which said Lands and City Lots were then unlawfully in the Possession of James Logan and Samuel Preston Moore.
That Your Petitioner and the said Peter Henry Striepers immediately after their Arrival at Philadelphia entered on and took Possession of the City Lots, which were then claimed by the said Samuel Preston Moore in Right of Richard Hill and are situated in the Square between the fourth and fifth Streets from Delaware and Vine and Sassafras Streets; and commenced an Action at Law against the said James Logan for the Recovery of four-thousand four hundred Acres part of the said Purchase of 5000 Acres and for 50 Acres of Liberty Land Appurtenant to said Purchase which they prosecuted in the Supreme Court until [blank] in the Year 1773 when a day was appointed for trial and a Jury impannell’d; but Your Petitioners Adversaries introducing some illegal Evidence in support of their Claim, which being admitted by the Honble the Chief Justice, (Wm. Allen Esqr.) Whereupon Your Petitioner’s Counsel appealed to the King and Council and removed the said Action to England, but by reason of the differences between the two Countries breaking out soon after, all Business relative to America lay dormant until tranquility should be restored; and the Independance of America being the result, nothing of Course was done in this Affair, In England.
That in the Year 1783 after peace was established between the two Countries, Your Petitioner flattered himself that New Laws were now established in the new Empire and that he would now be able to prosecute his Claim to the said Lots and Lands to better effect and with more success than he had done before the Revolution and accordingly prepared to embark for America, but previous to his departure presented a Petition to His Serene Highness Elector of Palatine humbly praying that he might be pleased to recommend Your Petitioner to Your Excellency’s favourable notice and to solicit your Interest in his behalf; which he graciously condescended to do, and directed that the said Petition together with a Rescript from his Serene Highness be transmitted to his Highness’s Agent at Paris.
That Your Petitioner after his Arrival at Philadelphia received Advice, that his Serene Highness’s Agent at Paris had the Honour of an Interview and Conversation with Your Excellency at Passy relative to Your Petitioner’s concerns in America, when Your Excellency was pleased kindly to Promise to do every Thing in Your Power to forward the Issue and for that purpose to inform yourself fully of the Circumstances of Your Petitioners Claim.
Your Petitioner flatters himself That by Your Excellency’s Arrival in America the Time is at last come when his Affairs will wear a better Aspect and be brought to an Issue, therefore humbly prays permission to lay a full and candid state of his Claim to said Lots and Lands before Your Excellency, and to remind Your Excellency of Your kind Promises made at Passy as herein before mentioned, and further humbly solicits Your Excellency’s kind interposition in his behalf agreeably to said Promises which favour shall be held in grateful remembrance by Your Petitioner, who in duty bound shall ever pray &c