It is a long Time since I have had The pleasant oppertunity to writing to your Honor, and I have with pleasure found in the public Paper, that your Honour was elected, President of this State, I congratulate your Honor to this high and burthensome Station, in your Advancd Age, I hope that the Supream Power will assist you therein, according to your Honors Wisdom, bestowed from thereto; My Circumstances since I have seen your Honor, have been Burthensome and Misserable, tho’ I hope a better Time.
I would humbly Intreat Your Honor Not to take it amiss of the Case and Circumstanses, I here in this Letter lay before your Honor, which is of our former Concerns, the Time when Absence in Europe, which I am certain, your Honor never had a true Account of, how I was used; The following is the true State thereof: First, I was sued for a Debt of Seventeen Pounds, I was bound for, and put to Goal, was therein about 8 or 9 Hours, the Printing office, Books, white Paper and my Houshold Goods was cryd out for Sale, and was actually Selling, when then your Honors Son in Law came to me in Goal and begd of me, to sing an Order, to get a write of Repreviance, which was done, but Books, Paper and Houshold Goods was already Sold, I then had nothing left but what I had on my Back in Goal, The Printing-Office was taken away, allmost half destroyed over the Streets; Press and Chases and other Uttensils belonging to the Printing Business, was at an an other Vendue and Sold for 9 Pounds Ten Shillings, and it had Cost near Fifty Pounds together; out of the whole only was paid, the House Rent and Cost and not one Farthing of my Debts; The Debt I was put in Goal for, after Laying in Goal 9 weeks, I had to Get Bail, only for so long, as to appear at next Court, nothing I had to subsist on, no work I could get. I was Delivered up again, to the same Place, till my poor Son Benjamin, your god son paid for me, (who departed this Body not long since). Now I lay this before your Honor to Consider this, in your Clemency, my Printing Office had Cost me two Hundred and Fifty Pounds, and the Printing Office I had from your Honor, the whole was got Back, and thereof I could make no other Use of, only the Dutch and English Great Primer, I think it hard, as I had not as much as one farthing for the whole. I have ever since Maintaind myself by working Journey work and School keeping I am now at work in the Printing Office in Germantown; And as there are Bonds between us I think it Reasonable, in Your Honors own candid Consideration, they art to be given up, as I lost all. Tho’ I hope your Honor will Cinsider’d, My Faher through his Goodness, bestowed me wisdom enough, But Poverty keeps it fast, of not perfecting it. It is hoped one Time or other a kind Hearthed Free Gentlemen, will assist me therein, that I may at it Shine, But to no other, but to a silent Tongue, Silencio Frather Ameo in Domini Deo. This and all above I leave to your Honours Candid Consideration. And I Remain with Respect and true Love Your Honors Sumble Servant