1st Mr. Franklin to erect the necessary Buildings on his Farm & make the necessary Preparations at his own Expence.— 2d. To advance the Sum of 800 Pounds Currency to furnish and stock his Farm— 3d Mr Pyne to reside on Mr. Fr. Farm manage & render it the Business of the whole to the best of his knowledge & abilities & instruct Mr. F. in every branch of Husbandry—& the arrangement of a Farm— 4 Mr. P with the consent of Mr. F. to make the Bargains for the Purchase & sale of every necessary stock whether of a Breed or otherwise—and also to bargain with all the Labourers wanted to work on the Farm—& for all the Utensils of Farming 5 Mr. Pine shall also make all the Bargains for the sale of the Produce of the Farm and all other Bargains or agreements that may be necessary—previously consulting with Mr. Franklin & obtaining his Consent. This Mr. Pyne is to do in all Matters relative to selling or Buying 6 Mr. Pines travelling Expences, on Business of the Farm such as buying or selling Cattle—or disordered Stock—to be paid out of the produce of the Farm.— 7 The hire of Labourers, Workmen &c who shall be employ’d as well in cultivating as in improving His Farm to paid out of the Produce thereof 8 Mr. & Mrs: P. to be provided with suitable Rooms for their Convenience, in Mr. F. House; & their necessary fire Wood.—free from any Expence for Rents Repairs &ca Mr. & Mrs. Pine & Mr. F. to board together, their Table to be provided with every article suitable to it—that the Farm Produces—such as Beef Pork Mutton Lamb Veal Poultry Milk, Butter, Cheese Bread Corn, Cyder & Vegetables. All other necessary Articles to be purchased—& Mr. F. to pay one third of the Expence thereof, as his share—Each Party to provide their own liquors when they entertain Compy.—& when alone to [?]. Mrs. P. to supeintend the Management of Family Affairs.—[the mark to indicate an insertion is followed by:] Linnen & other Articles used in common—to be a joint Expence 9 The Wages, board &ca of the House, Dairy & Kitchen Garden to be at the Expence of the Farm that is deducted out of the Produce. 10 Mr. Pine & Mr. F. allow’d to keep each at ye pleasure 2 Horses on the Farm free of Expence 11 The Implements of Husbandry Live Stock, & every other Expence that does not come under the head of lasting Improvements such as Houses, Barns—Stables &ca shall be at the Expence of the Farm [the mark indicating an insertion is followed by:] tho’ Mr. F. makes the necessary advances of Money for the same— 12 Mr. Pine to keep Regular Accts: in writing of the Produce expence & Profits of the Farm & when his health permits to give his Personal Attendance where necessary, & to see that the Workmen & Labourers faithfully do their Duty. 13 Mr. Pine not obliged to make Any Advances of Money—& to receive in Consideration of his Knowledge, Experience & Services one fourth Part of the net Profits which may arise on the Cultivating the said Farm & on the Purchase & Sale of the Stock. [the mark to indicate an insertion is followed by:] Mr. Franklins Advances being first made good to him—& should there be no Profits of His Business Mr Pine to have no Compensation further than the Privileges above mention’d in Art. 8. 14 At the Expiration of this Agreement a fair Appraisement shall be made of the Stock, Impliments Grain &ca & Cash in Hand and such Share of the Profits assigned to each as stipulated Above in Art 13.— 15 This Agreement to continue in force for seven Years from the Date hereof unless former dissolved by mutual Agreement. But in Case of the Death of either Party, the Survivor & the Executors of the deceased shall immediately in the manner mentioned in the preceding Arts proceed to settle Accts and then this Agreement shall terminate— In Witness of the above being agreed to by the Contracting Parties they have hereunto set their Hands & Seals at — this Day of [blank space] in the Year of our Lord 1786 In presence of Us Having read over the Articles of Agreement I think it will be necessary to make the following Alterations First In case the situation should not agree with me and that it should be the opinion of Two or more Physicians of Eminence that my continuing there would be at the risk of my Life I will be at Liberty to quit it till my Health is re-established without its being considered as a breach of covenant Secondly My Heirs Executors and administrators shall not be liable to the Penalty for any Breach of Covenant that is not substantiated in my Life time Thirdly If any Family matter or Business should make me think it expedient for my Wife to go to England or else where for a few Months it shall not be considered as a breach of Covenant nor subject me to the Penalty Mr Pynes Replies to Mr. Franklins [?] of Proposals Article 1st Agreed to—The Farm Mr Pyne understands consists of 600 Acres including the woodLand. 2d Agreed to with this Addition—Vizt. Mr. Franklin shall advance the further Sum of £400 within two Years from the date of this Agreement & be allowed lawful Interest for it out of the Produce of the Farm—And all other Sums which may be necessary for the advantageous Business of the Farm so far as Six hundred Pounds Mr Pyne agrees to advance for the Purposes aforesaid on lawful Interest payable out of the Produce of the Farm— Article 3d Agreed to— 4th Agreed to— 5th Agreed to— 6th Agreed to— 7th Agreed to when Mr. Franklin is present. 8th Agreed to— 9th Agreed to Article 19th Agreed to— 11th Agreed to 12th Agreed to 13th Agreed to 14th Agreed to 15th Agreed to with this Alteration If Mr Franklin advances the Capital Stock of £1500—that is £800 the first Year & £700 in Spring following the Interest.—but if Mr Franklin advances no more than as mention’d above Article the 2d. then Mr. Pyne adheres to d— 16th Agreed to so far as relates to the three Story Frame Building & the Garden belonging to it.— 17th Agreed to— 18th Agreed to— 19th Agreed to provided the Park includes no other than Wood Land— 20th—Agreed to on the Conditions marked above to Article 15th Article 21 Agreed to— Answer to Mr. Pynes 2d Observations Art.1. The Farm consists of 577 Acres, by the Surveys, but is supposed to contain more.—Strict Measure.— Art.2d. Answer’d by Art. 15. Art.15. Mr. Franklin will advance £800 the first Year—& 700 £ as early as possible in the Year following, to remain as a Capital Stock without receiving Interest for the same Art.16—The Barn & Orchard must be included together with a small strip of Meadow adjoining to the House these would be of hardly any advantage to the Farm—& the House would not let without them 19. The Park is to include other than Woodlands— Article 14 No Wood or Timber to be sold off the Farm, except by Mr. Franklin for his own Benefit—No Waste of Timber to be made, and such Cut for the Family Use as is nearest decaying.— 15. No Straw or Manure to be sold off the Farm, but the whole which can be made or conveniently purchased, shall be appropriated to the Use of the Farm in the most advantageous Manner— 16. The Buildings on the Farm not necessarily occupied for the Use of the Farm shall be rented for the Benefit of Mr Franklin, together with one Acres to each House. 17 Should Mr. F. choose to reestablish the Park & stock it with Deer at his own Expence the same to belong solely to him, as well as the advantages he may derive there from.— Art 4. Mr. Pyne to accept of no Public Employ or Trust, or enter into any Engagement that may call him away or divert his Attention from the Business of the Farm, Mr. Pine to be obliged to Reside at the Farm.—Art. about living Mr. F. to be at 1, 3 of the Expences of the Things purchased for the Family—& provide his Liqors when he entertains Compy—Mr. Pine Do— The Wages & Board &ca of the servts employ’d in the House, Dairy & Kitchen Garden to be at the Expence of the Farm.— Mr. F be allow’d to keep 2 Horses at the Exp. of the Farm Will Mr. Pine lend Mr. F. at this time a Sum sufficient to stock the Farm &ca Mr. F. paying him 5 pr Ct. Interest & giving him his Security on the Farm & stock Mr. Franklin & Mr. Pyne mutually agree to what follows.— Article 1st. Mr. Franklin to erect at his own Expence a Farm Yard, nearby similar to Col Morgans, at Princeton, on his Farm, & keep the same in Repair. 2d: Mr. Franklin engages to advance for the first year the Sum of eight hundred Pounds Currency to furnish and stock the Farm, pay Wages and seven hundred in the course of the second year to remain as a capital Stock without recg Interest for the same but for which the Produce of the Farm at the close of this Agreement is to be accomptable to him. 3d. Mr. Pyne constantly to reside on Mr. Franklin’s Farm manage & conduct the Business of the whole, to the best of his Knowledge and Abilities; and when his Health permits to give his Personal Attendance where necessary, and to see that the Workmen & Laborers faithfully do their Duty. 4th: Mr. Pyne to accept of no Public Employ or Trust or enter into any Engagement that may call him away or divert his Attention from the Business of the Farm. Art.5th: Mr. Pyne engages also to instruct Mr. Franklin, as soon as possible, in every Branch of Husbandry, and the Management of a Farm. 6th. Mr. Pyne with the Consent of Mr. Franklin, to make the Bargains for the Purchase & Sale of every necessary Stock, whether for Breed or otherwise; and also to bargain with the Laboreres wanted to work on the Farm, and for all the Utensils of Farming 7. Mr. Pyne shall also make all the Bargains for the sale of the Produce of the Farm, and all other Bargains or Agreements that may be necessary previously consulting with Mr. Franklin and obtaining his Consent: this Mr. Pyne is to do in all Matter relative to selling & buying: when Mr. Franklin is present or within 20 Miles.— 8. Mr. Pyne’s and Mr. Franklins travelling Expences on Business of the Farm such as buying or selling Cattle or Produce, or live ordered Stock, to be at the Expence of the Farm. 9. The hire of Laborers, Workmen &ca who shall be employed as well in cultivating as in improving the Farm to be paid out of the Produce thereof. 10. Mr. & Mrs. Pyne to be provided with suitable Rooms for their Convenience namely a Bed Room—Parlour, Kitchen & Sitg. Room and their necessary Fire Wood, to be provided at the Expence of the Farm and they are not to be chargable for Rent or Repairs.—Mr. & Mrs. Pyne & Mr. Franklin to board together; their Table to be provided with every Article suitable to it, that the Farm produces such as Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lambe, Veal, Poultry, Milk, Butter Cheese, Bread, Corn, Cyder and Vegetables: All other necessary Articles to be purchased and paid for out of the Produce of the Farm: Liquors only excepted which each Party are to provide for themselves. Mrs. Pyne to superintend the Management of Family Affairs. 11. The Wages, Board &ca. of the Servants employed in the House, Dairy, and Kitchen Garden, to be at the Expence of the Farm: excepting only two Men Servants,—one to wait on Mr. Pyne the other on Mr. Franklin; whose Wages are to be paid by their respective Masters. 12. Mr. Pyne and Mr. Franklin allowed to keep each two or three pleasure Horses on the Farm free of Expence. 13. The Impliments of Husbandry, Waggons, Boat, Casks, Live-Stock and every other Expence that does not come under the head of lasting Improvements, such as Houses, Barn, Stables &ca, shall be at the Expence of the Farm; by which is always understood in this Agreement, to be paid out of the Produce of the Farm. 14 Mr. Pyne to keep regular Accounts in Writing of the Produce, Expence and Profits of the Farm, subject at any time to the Inspection of Mr. Franklin, with whom Mr. Pyne is to settle Yearly. Each Party being at Liberty to draw out half of their respective Portions of the Profits, but not more untill the Expiration of this Agreement: unless by mutual consent.— 15. Mr. Pyne not obliged to make any Advances of Money—and to receive in Consideration of his Knowledge, Experience, & Services, one Fourth Part of the Net Profits which may arise on the cultivating the said Farm and on the Purchase & Sale of the Stock; Mr. Franklin’s Capital and Advances being first made good to him The remaining three fourths of the Profits are to belong to Mr. Franklin the Proprietors of the Farm in Consideration of Rent & his Advances. And should there be no Profits on this Business, Mr. Pyne is to have no Compensation farther than the Privilege mentioned in Article 10. 16. The Building on the Farm, together with the Orchard, Garden & Strip of Meadow Adjoining to be at the disposal of Mr. Franklin, or rented for his Benefit.— 17. No straw or Manure to be sold off the Farm, but the whole which can be made or conveniently purchased, shall be appropriated to the Use of the Farm, in the most advantageous manner And all Manure remaining at the Close of this Agreement to be left on the Farm free of Expence. 18. No Wood or Timber to be sold off the Farm, except by Mr. Franklin for his own Benefit. No waste of Timber to be made, and such out for the Family use as is nearest decaying. 19. Should Mr: Franklin choose to re-establish the Park (which is to include no other than Woodlands) and stock it with Deer at his own Expence the same to belong solely to him, as well as the Advantages he may derive there from. 20. At the Expiration of this Agreement a fair appraisement shall be made of the Stock, Impliments, Grain &ca. & Cash in Hand, and of the Share of the Profits assigned to each, as stipulated above in Article 15.— 21. This Agreement to continue in Force for seven Years from the Date hereof, unless sooner dissolved by mutual Agreement. But in case of the Death of either Party the Survivor, and the Executors of the Deceased shall immediately proceed to settle Accounts in the manner mentioned in the preceding Article; And then this Agreement shall terminate.
In Witness of the above being mutually agreed to between the contracting Parties, they have hereunto set their Hands and Seals, at [blank space] this [blank space] Day of [blank space] in the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six.— In Presence of Us.—