I recd your two favors of the 5th & 9th Inst & am highly sensible & thankful for the kind Interest you are pleased to take in my behalf. Equally solicitous with you concerning Mr. Pynes Health I willingly consent to wait on him at Princeton previous to our visiting the Farm; tho’ Any Arrangement that may take Place between us will be of no avail in Case he should not approve of the Farm hereafter.—At any Rate however I shall not regret the Time I spend in your Society.—
I shall not at present discuss this Project of Agreement you have been so good as to send me—but leave it ’till we meet, which will I hope be on Thursday or Friday next. I will only Of this I beg you will inform Mr Pyne which will render my answering his letter unnecessary
Present if you please My best Compliments to Mrs. Morgans & your amiable Family—& believe me my dear Sir, with great truth Esteem your most obedient & obliged humble Sert.