His Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esq.
His Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esq.
I address myself to a person whose Goodness is universally known, and whom I never have had the sattisfaction of a personal acquaintance; This being the first time I ever attempted to explain myself, am flattered with the hopes it will not be dissatisfactory. It will be necessary to Inform you of my Family, which naturally Induced me to use this freedom.
My mother was Sally Mecom Daughter of Mrs Jane Mecom of Boston, and Niece to your Excellency. I left Boston in November last, by reason of the Stagnation of Business occasioned by the late acts which have passed the Legislature there, respecting Trade and came here in pursuit of Employment, I having previous Encouragement; But greatly to my disappointment.
This place is advantageously situated for a certain number of Merchants, as it lies on the River Appomattox a South west Branch of James River, about one hundred and fifty Tons can come within eight miles of this city (it has lately been Incorporated as such). Their staple Commodity is Tobacco of which they have a large Quantity, and of an excellenct Quality. I have been told, that previous to the War with Great Britain, There was not more than ten Houses in the mercantile Line established here, which was then a sufficency to Supply the Country adjacent with what Goods was necessary for the Consumption of the people. Since then, Foreigners form an Idea of accumulating a fortune in the space of two or three Years, was Induced to emigrate from their respective countries to this place in particular. At this time there is not less than Six hundred houses, and those chiefly Scotch and Irish who have Introduced such vast quantities of Goods, that they are now selling at Auction at less than the Sterling Cost, which is no favourable omen, they have also brought so many Young men of their nations As clerks, whose Sallary is so small (owing to their wishes of seeing this our happy Country) that at present an American Lad stands no Chance to get even a Support.
I have a great disire to see Philadelphia before I return to Boston. It prompts me to request your Assistance in a matter which however simple in itself, may perhaps be of the utmost Utility to me. Your Influence on all occasions is conspicuous, for your Excellency to Indulge me so far as to use that Influence in Introducing me to Business in your City, would be acknowledged as a peculiar mark of Honour, Esteem, and Affection. I should be glad to serve as a Clerk to a Merchant, Private Gentleman, or Public Office.
Every ambitious mind, naturally wishes to pursue some method of Business to place him in a Situation better than Dependance, and the Assistance of a friend is most Essentially Requisite, to Secure that Situation.
Trusting in your Goodness of heart I have taken the Liberty of writing to you upon this Subject, what if it merits your Attention, you will be pleased to do me the honour to forward a Line per post (which arrives here every fortnight) Directed to Messrs. Gawen and John Brown Merchants in Petersburg Virginia where I now reside.
I have the Honour to subscribe myself your Excellencys most Obedient, and very humble servant
Josiah Flagg