Our good God has brought us old Folks, the last Survivors of 17 Brothers and Sisters, to the Beginning of a new Year. The Measure of Health and Strength we enjoy at so advanc’d an Age, now near Fourscore, is a great Blessing. Let us be chearful and thankful.
I recieved in their time your kind Letters of Nov 7. and 30. I am sorry our Cousin W. troubles himself with chemical Experiments for which he does not seem to have had the proper previous Instruction to prevent their being dangerous to his Health. You do not explain to me what the Difficulties are that distrast his Mind, and which I wish to know. I am glad to hear he is better, that your Daughter is mended, and your Son-in-law has good Prospects.
Young Oliver’s Fine was remitted before my Arrival, but he lay in Goal for his Fees. He is now, as I hear, discharged, thro’ the Good Offices of Mr. Mittler.
Send me the Name of the Street you live in, that I may direct my Letters so as not to give Cousin W. any Trouble. My Love to him and his Family, and to yours, from Your affectionate Brother