Jonathan Williams, Jr. to William Temple Franklin
Nantes June 29. 1779.—
Inclosed are seven Drafts on the Commissioner which please to
present & return to me accepted.—
amounting together to five hundred & eighty two Dollars.
I have a Letter from Cap Green who was taken in coming hither
but has since escaped & arrived by Sea at Bordeaux. He says he left
Phila the 2d May.— & writes to me as follows.—
“I hope before this time the British have left Georgia,— they
did not find that number of Friends in Georgia they expected,— a
Fleet of 7 Sail laden with 1500 barrells Flour Dry Goods to the
amount of £50,000 Sterling with accoutrements for 250 Horse several
Officers, and some Merchants who sailed from New York for Georgia,
were taken under Convoy of a 20 Gun Ship & an armed Brig, by Capt
Hopkins in the Warren— the Queen of France, and Ranger, and
carried into Boston. The Army at N York and Long Island amount to
about 7000 men, they are heartily tired of the Troubles, the
Inhabitants are in great Fear least they should be left there as
there was some talk of the British leaving it, & only wanted a
sufficient number of Transports for that Purpose.— The Inhabitants
of Bermuda are in a deplorable State, many of them have perished
for Want. A Sloop arrived from that Place at Philadelphia with a
Petition to Congress begging Relief. The British Troops had taken
every Morsele of Provision from them, which at best was but
little.— You may expect to see Mr Carmichael in a little Time as
I believe he will come here on board the Dean which lay in the
Delaware.”— Communicate This to the Doctor & believe me ever Dear
Billy Yrs affectionately