From John Bondfield
als: American Philosophical Society
Bordeaux 26 June 1779

Captain John Green arrived here the 23d Inst. to which port he had been carried by a privateer that took him on his passage from Philadelphia, he destroy’d all his Letters & papers these miscarriages cruelly suspend the execution of the proposed Operations of our friends on the other side whose disapointments as well as Loss’s come heavy.

A Courier from Madrid past thro’ this City yesterday in the afternoon with dispatches for Versailles by the last advices The French & Spanish Fleets were stil at Couronna. We are without any interesting occurences on this Coast. I have the Honor to be respectfully Sir Your most Obedient Humble Servant

John Bondfield

the Captain had Letters for Mons De Vergennes & the Comte D’Arranda wch he destroy’d
Passi His Excellency B Franklin Esq
Addressed: His Excellency Benj Franklin / Esq / Plenipoty. from the United States / at / Paris
Notations in different hands: Jonh. Bondfield. 26. juin 1779. / Bourdeaux
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