I have reced. your Favour of the 2d. Inst. & thank you for the ready answer to my Queries. I did not intend to do anything unworthy an American, & should have confined my Cargo to Crockery Ware & utensils for the Fishery, both which articles americans want, & the latter will be a public Benefit. Mr. White writes me that Passports are to be sent to you Blank & desires me to lodge a List of the Names which I inclose, but as there may be some changes in the Captains or Voyages by the Time the Passports come I beg you will send them to me blank if that can consistently done. I will then fill up as they are wanted & give you an exact Return of those given out. This will best answer & save some in Case any Vessells named should go on Voyages where they are not wanted. I hear 50 are to be granted pray send me at least 30 of them for the americans in Bordeaux Nantes & L’orient.
I thank you for your kind preparations for my Father & Self—he will gratefully accept of them but Ive no prospect of being able to leave this for sometime
I am Dear Billy most affectionately Yours.