Your favour of the 5th instant my Dear Friend came safe to hand and I thank you for it and the Pamphlet contained in it. Inclosed you will find a Letter which will give you all the information I can procure from Mr. Woodmason, and I hope it will prove sufficient. News we have none here but what you will see in the Papers there having been no Arrival from America these two last months. If we may believe what the Marquis of Carmarthen tells us here, the Commissioners will probably soon visit London to negociate a Commercial Treaty and we suppose you will be of the Party. I this day saw our friend who is waiting impatiently for your Determination on that subject, in order that she may decide respecting her own movements having quitted her house these three weeks past. She begs her best compliments to you and desires you will send her a Pott of Pomatum; and Mrs. Irvine with whom she is, petitions for a Pott of Rouge. The Little present which our friend has promised you, is delayed partly because the Buttons are not yet ready, and partly because of the probability of her seeing you shortly in Paris, or here—if she finds that is not to be the case, it will be forwarded to you immediately. My Parliamentary Application has kept me exceedingly busy for some time. It is now in a good way, though it will require 4 or 5 weeks more to get through the necessary forms. Dr. Ruston, an Acquaintance of mine who visits Paris before he returns to America, his native Country, will deliver you this and I beg leave to introduce him etc. …Please forward enclosed for Mr. Williams