When we consider the great intercourse that will soon open between France and the United Provinces of America, and how much your Excellency will have at heart to foment and promote it, weare emboldened to take the liberty of introducing ourselves to your Excellency’s acquaintance, our house being of a long standing here, upwards of seventy years, and having, as is well known, ever subsisted with credit and honour, and this being a free Port, and very happyly situated, affords several advantages in trade. We have also a house established at Ostend.
If your Excellency is pleased to get enquiry made at Paris, of Mr. Necker, Mr. Ridley of Baltimore in Maryland, Mr. Nesbitt of Philadelphia, who formerly resided here, Colonel Conway, Countess of Clonard, Mallet Pere and fils Bankers; or of Mr. Holker of Rouen, Messrs. Peter Thellusson &c., Herries &c., Sir Lyonet Lyde Baront. &c. of London, we are certain they will give such information as will induce your Excellency to honour us with your friendship and protection, and recommend us to some good houses at Boston, Charles Town, Philadelphia New York &ca. This is a remarkable good market for several of their products, especially Virginia Tobacco which we yearly sell large parcels of, and our Linnen and other Manufactures &ca. will very much answer their purpose.
We intend making some Expeditions to them parts as soon as our Ships, dayly expected, are returned from the Islands, and would deem it a singular honour if your Excellency would point out to us the houses you may intend recommending us to, and which we may safely enter into Connections with.
It would further increase our happyness if your Excellency thought proper to name our Phillip or Joseph Connelly for the Counsulship here.
We ask your Excellency’s pardon for the liberty we take, and have the honour of being with profound respect Sir Your Excellency’s most obedient and most devoted humble Servants