In my other Letter bearing an equal date with this I did
Acquaint yr Excellency in a brief Manner the transactions that
has happened since the 12th. untill the 23d Inst June, in this I
acquaint yr Excellency with the Names of the Prisoners I have
taken and their Quality, as likewise the Names of 21 of my
Men who have been made prisoners by the English, being in
my 6 prizes that were retaken their Names as follows—
Yr Excellency sees there is an Equal Number of Prisoners
on both sides the Men I sent in the diferent prizes were good
Men I am a great Loss for them which will a while retard my
Cruize I having a fine prospect before me of Distressing the
Subjects of Great Britain and to Maintain the Honour of the
United States, yr Excellency may be Assured I never will as
long as Congress permits me to have my Commission never
to Derogate from that noble Spirit of an American Still means
to Act with prudence and Caution will knowing my own force
and that of the Enemy whom I hope to Harris greatly, I hope
yr Excellency will use yr. Influence and Authority in having
an Exchange made of the Prisoners taken by me and my Men
taken by the English there being an Equal Number and I being
Retarded from pursuing my plan of Opperation untill I get my
Men Exchanged makes me so Solicitious with yr Excellency
to use yr Endeavours as Soon as possible to have the Cartel
made, I remain with all respects yr Excellency’s most Obedient
humble Servant