From John Aislabie (unpublished)
Wilmington, No. Carolina

I take the liberty of troubling you with these few lines to remind you of a Letter, I had the Honour of forwarding to you, some time ago from Vicar General Christian, of the Isle of Man Recommending me to your honor and notice, from which, I now take the liberty of Soliciting your Interest, in any of the Public Offices under Congress, or any other, you may think fit, which if ever I should be so happy as to attain, my Constant Study to Merit your honors Recommendation, shall be most strictly attended to. Hoping your known Goodness, will Pardon the liberty I now take, as it is entirely owing to my present Situation here, occasiond by most worthy friends Parker Quinces’ Death in England, from which Place I came, to Manage his business here, And he was to follow me as quick as possible, but most Unfortunately he Died, immediately after I left that Place.

Hoping to have the Honour of Receiving a few lines from you, which will forever be Retaind with a most gratefull Sense of the Obligation Conferr’d on Sir Your most Obedient and most Humble Servant

John Aislabie

ps. If you shoud think it necessary will come to Philadelphia myself immediately. Please to direct for me in Wilmington.
Addressed: Benjamin Franklin. Esqr: / Philadelphia
Endorsed: Aislabie
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