I take the liberty of troubling you with these few lines to remind you of a Letter, I had the Honour of forwarding to you, some time ago from Vicar General Christian, of the Isle of Man Recommending me to your honor and notice, from which, I now take the liberty of Soliciting your Interest, in any of the Public Offices under Congress, or any other, you may think fit, which if ever I should be so happy as to attain, my Constant Study to Merit your honors Recommendation, shall be most strictly attended to. Hoping your known Goodness, will Pardon the liberty I now take, as it is entirely owing to my present Situation here, occasiond by most worthy friends Parker Quinces’ Death in England, from which Place I came, to Manage his business here, And he was to follow me as quick as possible, but most Unfortunately he Died, immediately after I left that Place.
Hoping to have the Honour of Receiving a few lines from you, which will forever be Retaind with a most gratefull Sense of the Obligation Conferr’d on Sir Your most Obedient and most Humble Servant