I have taken the liberty to address you on a Subject which I hope when consider’d you will not take amiss the Inclosed is a Bill it seems belonging to a poor Widow who is distressd, and has Made repeated Application to me in this Place for advice, and beg’d I would write to your father and let her know his oppinion. I shall esteem it a favor if you will shew it to him and send me his Answer, whether he thinks the State has Any thing to do with it. I am Sorry to Give you so much trouble—I have Likewise for his Excellency, three Barrells a Large can and two Small ones sent by Mrs. Bache should be Glad to have Your direction how they may be sent to you. I have lodged them at Mr. Limosins to Wait your orders. I hope all the Dispatches came to hand. the Dispatches from Congress Capt. Jones has who landed in England but Suppose he is in Paris before this—My Best respects to your Grandfather, and am Dr. Sir Your Most obt. Servt.