We are favoured by the Express with the honour of your Excellencies esteemed Letter of the 3 inst, by which we are Sorry to observe the Stocks in your hands Cannot afford to your Excellency the means to provide us with the necessary Sums for the amount of the drafts his Excellency Robt. Morris Esqr. has been pleased to furnish on us beyond, what we? can be in Cash, nor that even you have no prospect to become in Cash towards the time, our drafts at three month in rembursement of our advance on your Excellency my become due.
The abstract your Excellency intended to inclose of Mr. Grand’s account has not been in the packet, however we learn by his letter, that it is also impossible for him to assist us, since all our remittances are not only absorbed but his wants yet extended beyond that Considerable amount.
We are on this occasion much at a loss how to prevent the final protest of the bills, when the same become due. We have the honour to remain with great esteem Sir Your Excellency’s most Obedient Servants