I was here in 48 hours after I set off from St. Germain & found Ms. W in perfect Health.—
I took the Liberty a day or two before I left this to write a Line to the Doctor in favour of an application from Mr. de la Ville, I do not like to trouble the Doctor, but Mr. de la Villes respectable Character and the Services he has chearfully rendered me on other occasions made it a Duty in me to serve him as far as I could in return.—His object is only to obtain Lettres de Capitaine for the Capne. of his Ship—there are Things of course granted to every man who can prove experience enough to entitle him to command but no man can command without them. Now Mr. de la Villes Captain has more than the requisite to entitle him to command a Ship, but his Services having been in Vessells out of America; he does not come within the rigours of the Rule—and it is for this Reason that the Doctors Influence was thought necessary—You will have received the Memoir & all the necessary papers, if you will be so kind as to forward them to the Marquis de Castries and write a Line in Answer to Mr. de la Ville telling him what has been done, I shall be much obliged to you.— I am as ever my dear Billy most affectionately Yours.