La Trinité se passe et mon habit n’arrive pas; notre bon ami Bancroft m’a bien remis les Boucles, mais pour lhabit il m’a fait l’attendre. recevez dabord mes remerciemens pour ce premier envoi et mes excuses pour tout l’embarras que doit vous causer le second.
If you give me leave to point out a method of abridgement, please to order it is be pack’t up nicely and sent à la Diligence de Londres qui va ou vient en Cinq Jours si lhabit est fait il n’est pas sujet a confiscation. therefore no chance of losing it. You on one side and the advancing season on the other make me very desirous to see it and admire your Taste in it. I thank you sincerely for your sweet pretty Letter and its obliging contents. by the bye tho, I owe you a grudge for your Enamorata was very near mobbing me the other day at the Opera, for part of the Instructions I convey’d in my Letter to you when out of Town; But you french Folks you have a strange way of making love, there vous n’avez rien de caché pour vos maitresses whereas, here, we say pour nos amis
Adieu, my good friend. I wish you well, tho, hope your silence about votre gros lot would lead to suppose you had no faith in my professions of attachment. adieu again Your’s most affectionately