Sur I take This Opurtunety to inform you Of the Onhapy Situation of Our People Now in this Prison I must inform you that they Are Entering Out of Prison Averry Day for the Want of Close and Vitels for there Are Som of them that have Been Hear this Aight Monts And Have Not Had the Lest Asistance from Any Body And thare is the french and Duch and Spanish that Resceve Coth Close And Mony Sur; I Must inform You that thare Are Now in prison One Hundred and Sixty Men and Out of that Number thare Are One Half of the Without Shoes or Stockins and thar are forteen of them that Entered Out Within this and thare Will Be more of them Go But Sur if No Help. I think that it is a Shame for Our Congres that for the Sake A litel Expence that they Will Let Our People Sufer in this Maner. I Must inform You that thare Are Not One of the amaracans Ofarsurs that get thare Parole So I Have No more At Present But I Remane Your Humbel Sarvant