Thomas Barclay to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
L’Orient 24 Januy. 1783
Dear Sir

I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 15th.—Captain Barney sail’d the 17th. with the Dispatches which came by both the Couriers, the receipt of those by the second I thought he had communicated to you.—I thank you for your information respecting the prisoners, and I will do every thing in my power to send them them home, without additionall expence to the Public—I have made the following Shipments of Public Supplies. all by good Stout armed Vessels, and I hope soon to get clear of the remainder of those that are here.—I have had those that are at Rochfort examined, and I believe the Bales will want a great deal of repairing, and that my presence there will be necessary—I was oblig’d to Land almost the whole of those that came from Brest and to have them press’d, and put into Shipping order. I beg you will believe me very sincerely and very affectionately, My Dear Sir Your Afft. & obliged

Thos. Barclay

By the Ship Washington...6
St. James...............326.
The Prince of Liege will
have I suppose........599.
Addressed: William Temple Franklin Esq. / Passey near / Paris
Notation: Thos. Barclay, L’orient 24. Jany. 1783.—
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