I am in truth much indebted to you for the favor you have done me in transmitting the Copy of the Procès verbal on Mr. Montgolfiers experiment which I have this moment receivd. The Experiment becomes now interesting in no small degree. I laught when Balloons of scarce more importance than Soap bubbles occupied the attention of France but when men Can with safety pass and do pass more than 5 miles in the first Experiment I begin to fancy that I espy the hand of the Master in the Education of the infant of Knowledge who so speedily attained such a degree of maturity and do not scruple to guess that? My old Friend who used to assist me when I was Younger has had some share in the success of this Enterprise.
On Tuesday last a miserable (?) Taffeta Balloon was let loose here under the direction of a Mr. Zambeccari an Italian Nobleman as I hear. It was 10 feet in diameter and filld with inflammable air made from the filings of Iron and Vitriolic acid the Silk was oild the Seams coverd with Tar and the outside Gilt it had been shewn for several days floating about in a public room at a shilling for the Sight and a half Crown for the Admission when it should be let loose.
The day was fine to Excess the wind a gentle breeze from the North at a few minutes after one it set out and before night fell at Grasham a small village near Pelworth in Sussex having ran over about 48 miles of Countrey. The Countreyman who first Saw it observd it in its descent it appeard at first small and increasing fast Surprizd him so much that he ran away. He returnd however and found it burst by the expansion of the Containd fluid.
I wish I had somewhat more interesting to tell you of but I am this moment risen from the dinner which I annualy give to the creditors of the Treasurers Accounts. I would not delay my thanks to you and I trust you will make some allowance for the Effects of the festivity of the day which has I fear Cramp’d my Accuracy but I can assure You has not diminishd the real gratitude with which I declare myself Your Obligd and Faithfull Servant