We duly received the letter your Excellency condescended to honor us with the 10th Instant, and beg leave to ur gratefull Sence of the interet you are pleased to take in the reclaim of Our property from Capt. Babcock or his Our Brigg The Brunotta Capt. Thomas Griffin captured by him, and of the Activity your Excellency is so good to give to Our remonstrances, by forwarding the Papers necessary to prove the property and justify the Claim: As we perfectly agree with your Excellency that an aplication for Redress of this nature cannot have it’s full and essential Operation at such a distance by the medium of Correspondance, We have profited of the mention Your Excellency is pleased to make of M. Jonathan Williams merchant at Boston, by Investing him with full and ample Powers, to Solicit, and Demand from the Goverment of the Massachusetts Bay the restitution of Our property with reasonable Damages, And we have no doubt but your Excellency’s gracious interposition and recommendation to the Gentleman in Power will procure us a redress adequate to the Losses we have Sustaind.
As we are Somewhat at a loss, to judge of the best and most Speedy method of Conveyance for these Papers, We again trespoass on Your Excellency’s kindness by troubling your Excellency with Duplicate Letters and Papers for Mr: Williams humbly Requesting they may be transmitted to him by the speediest routes and pray Your Excellency will pardon all this trouble we occasion.
Messrs. Bache and Shee of Philadelphia have favord us with a Circular Letter. We Should be happy to be of Utility to these Gentlemen in those parts. We have the honor to remain Sir Your ~y2 Excellency’s Most Obedient and most Humble Servants