I send with this a Box of Soap Containing Sixty Pounds it is good and solid but not so high a green Color as the sample you sent I thought it best to make it acording to Ruil as cousen Jonathan was to Inspect it and the Extrordenary Green color of that was Produced by a circumstance which I should not be willing to Put in Practice if I had opertunity fearing it might not be wholsom if any of it should be Used as medison, I made it at our Friend Greenes in a Brass ketle by the way it must allways be bras or copper and some circumstance which I have forgot causd an Intermition of I beleve a week betwen the first and second Boiling considerable of the soap Sticking to the kittle and was clean I did not have it wasn’d but turnd it down to keep it from dirt and when I came to use it it was grown Green round where the soap stuck and not considering it as I have done since and thinking the salt Lye might settle it I procded to finishe it, I know I Deserve your Censure for that and feel Ashamed to confess it but I know you Pry in to all Apearances and I ought to let you know the Truth I have also a Conjecture but not a certinty that by some mistake in the weights I put in a Larger Proportion of wax than I ought, this I intend to try if I Live till Spring and let you know. I have Left the Exact Recipt in cousen Jonathands hands to take a coppy and shall send it to you, I hope you continue as well as when you came and do not over Fatigue your self with Biusnes. Love to all from your Affectionate sister