I have here a Harpsichord of such a construction that our Tuners can not tune it, there being two half Notes between the whole Notes. C# for example, as well as D. When properly, tuned, its Music far exceeds what can be produced from common Instruments, but at present ’tis useless to me. When I liv’d in London, there was one Rowley a Clock bell maker, somewhere in or near Moorfields, who made for me two octaves of Bells with those half Notes, all tun’d exactly by a Monoshord of Harrison’s Invention. By the help of these Bells I could tune my Instrument but I lost them when the English were here. I have lately seen an Advertisement in a London Paper, of a Person who calls himself Successor to Rowley, and says he continues the Business. If you can find him out and procure from him two Octaves so tuned, to Pitch of about the middle of the Harpsichord, and send them to me by your good Brother you will much oblige me and I will pay him what you disburse for them.
I wrote the Letter I promis’d to you respecting the Effects of Lead on Human Body, and sent it last Year, but have not heard of your receiving it.
My love to all the Good Family, and to Drs. Price and Priestley. Tell your Sisters they have made quite a Gossip of Mrs. Bache by sending her the new Fashions. She has paid off all her old Debts of Visiting, and brought her Friends in arrear, by running about to show her new Hat and Handkerchief. If there is any new Cap that Ladies wear to Church, Barbara would do well to send her such a One. It might have a good Effect. Yours affectionately,