John Shaffer to William Temple Franklin (unpublished)
8 Oct 81
D Sir

Dautun has called upon me this morning & requested me to Ask His Exelency to indorse my bills in case theire should be a ballance due him. He Presed me in such A manner that I could Not refuse him—At the same time Noing that His Exelency would Not consistent with his station do any Such thing Nor Could I aske it—Therefore if you will Kind Enough to menctin to His Exelency Not to take Any Notis of the letter Dotun will present to him—but hopes His Exeleny will do Every thing in his power to sattisfy Dotun respecting the Due As He Knows it To be good. I have the Honour to be Dr S your Humb Servant


Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur WT Franklin / au Passy
Notation: J. Schaffer Octr. 8. 1781
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