From Thomas Rodney (unpublished)
Congressberry Novr. 27. 1785.
Very dear Sir

Permit me to enjoy the pleasure of presenting you My warmest congratulations on the Success of your Negociations in Europe; on the kind and respectful reception you have Met with at home, and the Honor paid you by the Unanimus voice of your Country.

The consideration of these things affoards Me a peculair degree of pleasure When I recollect how far the views of Interests and party proceeded in the year 1785. towards removing the ablest States-man we had in Europe: And how fortunate it was for himself and America, That this evil was prevented, by the firmness, address and perseverence of a few Friends then in Congress.

Permit me also to take this oportunity of thanking you in the Name of My Patriotic brother (now deceased) for the present you Sent him from Europe, To wit, the History of Geneve. And I must also beg leave to propose doing Myself the Honor of Wainting on your Excellency this winter on My Way to Congress, To present, you, his last and Warmest Sentiments of friendship agreable to his desire.

You will receive this Scroll from one, Who, Tho little known to you, is No Stranger to your caractor, and therefore your Excellency’s very Sincere friend, and Most Obedient

Thomas Rodney

Governor Franklin

While Franklin lives, let all the Bells loud ring:

When Franklin Dies, let all the Muses Sing.


Addressed: His Excellency Governor Franklin / Philadelphia
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