Our worthy Friend Mr. Oster just now called to let me know he goes on board Ship amediately, as there is seldom a week passes, but he sees the Family two or three times, he will tell you how we all look, he caught me to day playing with the Children and rabbits, I see Betsy the day before yesterday she is with Miss Beckwith who is like to do extreamly well, has already ten young Ladies, and I take her up another tomorrow, she will I make no doubt be quite independant in a few Years. Mrs. Bodean who was recommended to you when you were lat at home, has made a handsome fortune. Mr. Bache wrote to you yesterday and notwithstanding I write to day. I am not without hopes this letter will miss you and that you will be on your way home. I never wished for any thing more in my whole life than to see you. Aunt Mecom was well about two weeks ago, I just receiv’d a [?] letter from her—remember me afectionately to Temple and Benny. I am as ever Your dutiful