Sickness must plead my excuse for not writing before tho’ late I congratulate you On your Safe arival with your Children in so good helth and Spirits. I pray God you may Still Continue a blessing to your Famley and Country in general.
I received your favor Octr. 27. you make me happy in your good Opinion of our Children we think they are worthy or they Could not have your Judgment in there favour.
The Books are Not ariv’d when they Come I will advice you off it. Dear Sir Let me ask it as a favour (if you Come to Boston to accept of an apartment in my house you will be as welcome as my Self). Your Bill on the Late Doctor Cooper is at Last paid but without Interest which would Not have been the Case if the Doctor had been living. I force’d a discount as One of the Executers Tho. Russell to Whome my Son Jona. was Indebtd I had ingaged to se him paid and what brought it to an Issue was some person told Mr Russell that I was indebted ten thousand pounds stg. and that the man was Come to Boston for his money. This man I had Settled with and the Balance in his favour was one hundred and Sixty pounds and indeed I never owed half the Sum in my Life. But he supposed he Should loose his money and Came to me and demanded Security. I told him I had as good a right to demand the money for your Bill. He then told me he would take on my Account tho’ I never Could prevale on him to take it before the Case is much alterded by the Doctors death. Mrs. Williams Joines me in Duty and Love to you and your Good famley. Beleve me ever your Dutyfull Nephew and most Humble Servant